СЕМЕЙКА ДЖОНСОВ (2010) фильм. Комедия

СЕМЕЙКА ДЖОНСОВ (2010) фильм. Комедия

Опубликовано: 31 мая 2020 г.★ ПОДПИШИТЕСЬ на канал, чтобы не пропустить новые фильмы: http://www.youtube.com/user/RVisionCh...

Образцово-показательная во всех отношениях семья Джонсов поселяется в маленьком городке, и сразу становится кумирами и любимчиками всех его жителей. Вот на кого хотят быть похожими все от мала до велика! Но на самом деле Джонсы — не супруги, и их дети — не настоящие. Нет, они не шпионы и не инопланетяне.

Все они — просто сотрудники маркетинговой компании, нанятые и засланные в городок, чтобы рекламировать нестандартными методами «идеальный» образ жизни, а заодно и миллион товаров! Но со временем Джонсы начинают обнаруживать, что их работенка не такая простая, как казалось, а горожане — что Джонсы не такие уж идеальные, и у каждого из них найдется какой-нибудь тайный порок…

ВЗРЫВНАЯ КОМЕДИЯ СО ШНУРОВЫМ! ВО ВСЕ ТЯЖКИЕ! Приличные люди. Лучшие фильмы. Filmegator

ВЗРЫВНАЯ КОМЕДИЯ СО ШНУРОВЫМ! ВО ВСЕ ТЯЖКИЕ! Приличные люди. Лучшие фильмы. Filmegator

Опубликовано: 30 мая 2020 г.ВЗРЫВНАЯ КОМЕДИЯ СО ШНУРОВЫМ! ВО ВСЕ ТЯЖКИЕ! Приличные люди. Лучшие фильмы. Filmegator
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZnN... Подписывайся на Filmegator:) Минимум рекламы, максимум хороших фильмов!

Что делать, если в вашем доме поселился родственник, недавно освободившийся из тюрьмы? И сделал жизнь вашей семьи невыносимой. А вы с женой случайно его убили. И соседский мальчик видел, как вы пытались закопать труп на заднем дворе. А инспектор ДПС обратил внимание на вашего неразговорчивого родственника в машине. Не очень представляя себе жизнь за решеткой, вы, наверное, должны избавиться от трупа… и, видимо, от маленького свидетеля … и полицейскому вы тоже как-то не должны позволить рассказать, что у вас в машине не совсем живой человек и чужой ребенок…

Страна: Россия
Слоган: «Во все тяжкие»
Режиссер: Клим Поплавский
Сценарий: Георгий Малков, Павел Воронин, Ярослав Лукашевич
Продюсер: Георгий Малков, Владимир Поляков, Даниил Махорт
Оператор: Антон Зенкович
Композитор: Тимур Самигуллин
Художник: Анна Андреева, Оксана Шевченко
Монтаж: Александр Амиров
Жанр: комедия
В главных ролях: Сергей Шнуров, Евгений Сморигин, Наталия Медведева, Григорий Цветков, Артём Башенин, Алексей Гришин, Игорь Хрипунов, Андрей Федорцов, Константин Мурзенко, Лариса Малеванная

Новые лучшие трейлеры (Август 2018)

Новые лучшие трейлеры (Август 2018)

Опубликовано: 15 авг. 2018 г.Подборка новых лучших трейлеров первой половины Августа 2018 года

00:00 — Хантер Киллер (2018)
02:24 — Ральф против интернета (2018)
03:24 — 22 мили (2018)
04:37 — Щелкунчик и Четыре королевства (2018)
06:08 — Только не они (2018)
08:52 — Простая просьба (2018)
11:08 — Профессионал (2018)
12:19 — Начни сначала (2018)
14:46 — Соната (2018)
15:38 — Голубая игуана (2018)
17:34 — Несокрушимый (2018)
19:48 — Смолфут (2018)
22:03 — Шоу Мистико (2018)
23:26 — Гости (2018)
25:16 — Бои без правил (2018)

• Трек в конце: Day 7 — Sweet Sorrow (https://vk.com/audios-136963316)

• Вконтакте: http://goo.gl/9v3uy7
• Instagram: http://goo.gl/N46wrU
• Facebookr: http://goo.gl/wQf5zf
• Почта: (hd.rus.helper@gmail.com)

Плейлист | Трейлеры к фильмам: http://qoo.by/426S

Плейлист | Трейлеры к мультфильмам: http://qoo.by/4272

Плейлист | Трейлеры к сериалам: http://qoo.by/4277

Плейлист | Дополнительные материалы: http://qoo.by/427d

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Aloe Blacc — Wake Me Up | SkollWF 2018

Aloe Blacc — Wake Me Up | SkollWF 2018

Опубликовано: 12 апр. 2018 г.Aloe Blacc performs Wake Me Up at the 2018 Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship.

A Southern California native born to Panamanian parents, Blacc was raised on boundary-pushing hip-hop acts like Public Enemy, The Pharcyde, and De La Soul, and developed a fierce admiration for such soul musicians as Donny Hathaway, Marvin Gaye and folk-rock singer/songwriters like Joni Mitchell and James Taylor. “I got interested in folk and soul because of the songwriting,” he says. “Especially with folk, I was really drawn to the way those artists turned their songs into storytelling.”

Carefully crafting lyrics to create impactful music has been essential to Blacc since high school, when he first broke into the indie hip-hop scene. Back then Blacc and his partner DJ Exile formed a duo named Emanon and quickly became cult favorites in Los Angeles, largely due to their heavy inventiveness in working with jazz samples and breakbeat loops. Going solo in 2003, Blacc soon signed to indie label Stones Throw and transformed from rapper to singer—albeit without shedding his hip-hop spirit or sense of social consciousness. Three years after the release of his solo debut Shine Through, Blacc began work on the record that would change his life and career:

Good Things, an album certified gold in the UK, France, Germany, and Australia, among other countries. “Wake Me Up” having sold more than 2.8 million copies in the U.S., Blacc notes that one of his main ambitions is to use his surging popularity to affect social change while continuing to infuse his music with a mindful positivity. “What it comes down to in my songwriting is trying to tell the story of the underdog and all the obstacles they have to overcome in this life,” says Blacc of the songs that make up Lift Your Spirit and his overall body of work. “The stories in my songs are about the common individual and all the struggles they’re dealing with everyday, and also all the hopes and aspirations that they have. It’s about reflecting all of that, and at the same time getting people to sing along and feel good."

About the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship:
The Skoll Foundation presents the Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship each year to a select group of social entrepreneurs whose innovations have already had significant, proven impact on some of the world’s most pressing problems, and invests directly in the promise of even greater impact at scale

Connect with the Skoll Foundation:
Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/skollfou...
Website: http://skoll.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SkollFoundation
Facebook: http://facebook.com/skollfoundation

Pharrell Williams - Happy (Official Music Video)

Pharrell Williams — Happy (Official Music Video)

Опубликовано: 8 янв. 2014 г.Get Pharrell's album G I R L on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/GIRLitunes Get Pharrell's album G I R L on Amazon: http://smarturl.it/GIRLamazonMP3 Follow Pharrell: http://pharrellwilliams.com http://facebook.com/pharrell http://twitter.com/pharrell http://instagram.com/pharrell

#PharrellWilliams #Happy #Vevo #Pop #OfficialMusicVideo

Wake Me Up (Acoustic)

Wake Me Up (Acoustic)

Опубликовано: 24 июл. 2018 г.Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Wake Me Up (Acoustic) · Aloe Blacc

Lift Your Spirit

℗ 2013 Aloe Blacc Recording, Inc., under exclusive license to XIX Recordings LLC/Interscope Records

Released on: 2013-01-01

Producer: DJ Khalil
Producer, Co- Producer: Aloe Blacc
Composer Lyricist: E. Dawkins III
Composer Lyricist: M Einziger
Composer Lyricist: T. Bergling

Auto-generated by YouTube.

Aloe Blacc - The Man (Official Lyrics Video)

Aloe Blacc — The Man (Official Lyrics Video)

Опубликовано: 10 янв. 2014 г.The official lyrics video for «The Man» by Aloe Blacc.
Buy Aloe Blacc's «Lift Your Spirit»: http://smarturl.it/LiftYourSpiritAB

Listen to Aloe Blacc on
Spotify: http://bit.ly/AloeBlaccOnSpotify
Apple Music: http://bit.ly/AloeBlaccOnAppleMusic
Deezer: http://bit.ly/AloeBlaccOnDeezer
Amazon Music: http://bit.ly/AloeBlaccAmazonMusic
Youtube Music: http://bit.ly/AloeBlaccOnYouTubeMusic

For more Aloe Blacc:
Official Website: http://www.aloeblacc.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aloeblacc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aloeblacc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aloeblacc
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/aloeblacc

Video edited by: Ryan Calavano http://www.Ryancalavanodirector.com


Well, you can tell everybody
Yeah you can tell everybody
Go ahead and tell everybody
I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man
Yes I am (x3)
I'm the man (x3)

I believe every lie that I ever told
Paid for every heart that I ever stole
Played my cards and I didn't fold
Well it ain't that hard when you got soul

(This is my world)

Somewhere I heard that life is a test
I've been through the worst, but I still give my best
God made my mold different from the rest
Then he broke that mold so I know I'm blessed

(This is my world)

Stand up now and face the sun
Won't hide my tail or turn and run
It's time to do what must be done
And be a king when kingdom comes

Well, you can tell everybody
Yeah you can tell everybody
Go ahead and tell everybody
I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man
Well, you can tell everybody
Yeah you can tell everybody
Go ahead and tell everybody
I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man
Yes I am (x3)
I'm the man (x3)

I got all the answers to your questions
I'll be the teacher you can be the lesson
I'll be the preacher be the confession
I'll be the quick relief to all your stressing

It's a thin line between love and hate
Is you really real or is you really fake?
I'm a soldier standing on my feet
No surrender and I won't retreat

(This is my world)

Stand up now and face the sun
Won't hide my tail or turn and run
It's time to do what must be done
And be a king when kingdom comes

Well, you can tell everybody
Yeah you can tell everybody
Go ahead and tell everybody
I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man
Well, you can tell everybody
Yeah you can tell everybody
Go ahead and tell everybody
I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man
Yes I am (x3)
I'm the man (x3)

I'm the man
Go ahead and tell everybody
What I'm saying y'all

I'm the man
Go ahead and tell everybody
What I'm saying y'all

Well, you can tell everybody
Yeah you can tell everybody
Go ahead and tell everybody
I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man
Well, you can tell everybody
Yeah you can tell everybody
Go ahead and tell everybody
I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man
Yes I am (x3)
I'm the man (x3)

Song Credits: The Man

Produced by DJ Khalil
Co-Produced by Aloe Blacc for Grand Scheme Productions
Co-Produced by Alex Finkin
Live Drums by: Rahki
Piano by: Sam Barsh
Strings by: Danny Keyz
Horn Arrangement by: Dontae Winslow
Trumpet & Flugelhorn by: Dontae Winslow
Tenor & Baritone Saxophone by: Leon Silva
Trombone by: Stan Wilkerson
Additional Production by: Alex Finkin
Choir by: Chin Injeti, Mashica Winslow, Dontae Winslow, Benedict Marshall, Levon Kendall, Justine Redila, Tanye Aganaba, Natasha Pheko and The Boom Booms.

Published by: Aloe Blacc Publishing, Inc./ASCAP; Universal — Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc./BMI; Universal — Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc./BMI
Written by E. Dawkins III
Written by Elton John
Written by Bernie Taupin
Sample Credits:
«The Man» contains an interpolation from «Your Song» written by E. John & B. Taupin. Published by Universal — Songs of PolyGram Int., Inc.

(P) 2013 Aloe Blacc Recording, Inc., under exclusive license to XIX Recordings LLC/Interscope Records

Avicii Tribute Concert - Wake Me Up (Live Vocals by Aloe Blacc)

Avicii Tribute Concert — Wake Me Up (Live Vocals by Aloe Blacc)

Опубликовано: 13 дек. 2019 г.Avicii Tribute Concert celebrates the life and music of Tim Bergling — AVICII — live at Friends Arena in Stockholm, Sweden together with +50,000 fans from all over the world. Click here to make a donation to mental health awareness: https://www.aviciitributeconcert.com/...